ISO/IEC 17024:2012



Policy on the Organization of Credentials Global


The Credentials Global (CG) governance hierarchy shall consist of management and technical expert’s persons serving in leadership positions. These leaders (the Credentials Global Board) shall hold responsibilities for providing services related to the certification programs, and shall procure and monitor other Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), volunteers and outsourced service providers to ensure that the goals and objectives of the Credentials Global are met. The hierarchy of leadership and supervision is described in the organizational chart.


2. CG Impartiality


1. CG Board shall act impartially in relation to its applicants, candidates, and certified persons. A decision on certification programs has been made in accordance with policies and procedures. Policies and procedures affecting applicants, candidates, and certified persons are made public and are fairly and accurately convey information about the certification program. CG understands threats to impartiality that include, but are not limited to, self-interest, activities from related bodies, and relationships of personnel, financial interests, favoritism, conflict of interest, familiarity, and intimidation. CG Board has periodically conducts a threat analysis to determine the potential, both real and perceived, of an individual or an organization influencing CG certification programs.


2. The CG board shall ensure that all stakeholders involved with the CG operations comply with the individual tenants of the Policy on Impartiality.


3. The CG board is responsible for conducting periodic threat analyses to identify potential threats to impartiality as they relate to adherence to the Code of Ethics, the Conflict of Interest Policy, the Policy on Non-Discrimination, the Policy on Privacy and Confidentiality, and the Policy on Certification Status Publication.


4. The board takes action on any identified or potential threats.


Policy on the Code of Ethics


The CG has function under a Code of Ethics, by which all certified persons (inclusive of the CG Board and its committee members) agreed to abide. The CG has hold responsibility for maintaining the relevance and efficacy of the Code, and has the authority to change the Code as required.


Policy on Conflict of Interest


The CG functions under a Conflict of Interest Policy designed to ensure that no member of the CG, or by extension its committee members or outsourced service providers uses his or her position, or the knowledge gained there from, in such a manner that creates a conflict between the interests of the organization or any of its affiliates and his or her personal interests.


The Board holds responsibility for maintaining the relevance and efficacy of the Policy and has the authority to change the Policy as required.


Policy on Non-Discrimination


The CG does not discriminate in the participation in the CG certification programs and prohibits discrimination against its applicants, candidates, certified persons, employees, and volunteers on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, or sexual orientation.


The CG board holds responsibility for ensuring that this Policy is adhered to in all facets of the CG operations.


Policy on Privacy and Confidentiality


The CG functions under a strict privacy and confidentiality policy.


The policy applies to all aspects of the CG organizational activities, including the secure handling and storage of application materials, ensuring the security of assessment materials, and safeguarding candidate scores and applicant and certification holder records.


The CG board members, certified persons, agents and providers of outsourced services are abiding by the Policy.


Policy on Certified Person Status Publication (The Registry)


The CG board holds responsibility for providing a mechanism for stakeholders to confirm that an individual is a certified person in good standing.


Certified persons may opt in or out of participation in the Registry.


Policy on Staff and Volunteers Taking Examinations


The CG only allows Subject Matter Experts (SMEs-volunteers) who are certified persons in good standing to access secure examination materials.


SMEs who serve the CG on the Examination Committee not take the examination for recertification credit.


The CG will refrain from hiring any outsource service providers who are in the process of applying for, or who are a candidate for CG certification.


Any SME or outside service provider who is exposed to secure examination material is prohibited from applying for or taking said examination for a period of two (2) years after the end of their service to the CG.


CG policy of Authority and Autonomy


The CG has authority and autonomy and exercises both to ensure that the CG programs are not improperly influenced by outside interests.


The Board protects both its autonomy and authority to maintain the credibility and integrity of its certification programs.


Policy on Responsibilities and Authority of the CG Board


· The CG boardto support the goals of the organizationensures that the following tasks are conducted:

i. Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure all certification programs are operated and administered in conformance with best certification practices, at a minimum the policies should address the granting, maintaining, recertifying, expanding, and reducing the scope of the certification, and suspending or withdrawing the certification;

ii. conducts periodic audits/reviews of the policies and procedures to ensure that they are efficient, effective, fair and reasonable and also update policies and procedures as required, and ensure that stakeholders are notified of changes;

iii. provides oversight to the development and administration of legally defensible, valid, and reliable certification examinations. Secure psychometric services to ensure the examinations are legally-defensible, reliable, valid, and maintained according to industry standards in test development and measurement. Reviews psychometric reports and under counsel of psychometric experts, make all necessary and required updates to the examination. Ensure the item bank is of sufficient size, and is accurate and adequately maintained;

iv. provides oversight to the development of all elements of the certification scheme, including, but not limited to establishing eligibility criteria, recertification requirements, the Code of Ethics, and disciplinary procedures and appeals;

v. appoints standing and ad hoc committees as required to support all program components and recruit and maintain a cadre of qualified subject matter experts (SMEs) representative of the demographic range and depth of the profession to participate in all aspects of the certification scheme. This participation includes, but not be limited to participation in Job Task Analyses, transportability studies, examination content development, item writing, examination form review and approval, establishment of passing standards, maintenance of the reliability and validity of the examination, and establishment of eligibility and recertification requirements. Committees will also be formed to uphold and follow the Appeal and Discipline Policies and Procedures, to accept nominations of qualified individuals to the certification body and its committees, and supervise elections.

vi. ensures the security of the certification examination materials and the intellectual property associated with the credential, including the development, maintenance, and administration of the examination;

vii. establishes and implemented a Code of Ethics which applicants, candidates and certified persons are obliged to abide by and provide a mechanism for all stakeholders (including certified persons) to report suspected ethics and professional practice violations;

viii. adopts as required, the Essential Attributes of Building Commissioning which applicants, candidates and certified persons are obliged to abide by and provide a mechanism for all stakeholders (including certified persons) to report suspected failure to follow the Essential Attribute tenets;

ix. makes readily available to applicants, candidates, and certified persons the scope of the certification schemes, all policies, procedures, and related program information relevant to earning and maintaining certification;

x. protects the property associated with the CG credentials, including approved uses of logo, marks and certificates;

xi. makes available to the public the certification status of certified individuals through the use and maintenance of a public Registry;

xii. develops an annual operating budget to ensure all certification program activities are conducted in a credible manner.


Policy for CG Directors and Officer Nominations and Elections


The CG board names a Nominating Committee which is responsible for ensuring that CG elections are conducted in a fair and transparent manner, supporting the need to nominate and fill the positions of the CG Board of Directors.


The CG involves interested parties in all aspects of the CG certification programs.


Interested parties may indicate willingness to participate in the certification program by serving in a Public Member Board position.


The CG board has the authority to appoint one or more Public Members–who will be chosen as representatives of a variety of stakeholders—to serve on the board.


Public members will not have voting rights, nor will they be allowed access to any secure examination materials, but will have all other responsibilities of CG board membership.


The qualifications and areas of expertise needed for members of the Officer Nomination and Election Committee include the requirements to:

i. Understands the roles and responsibilities of the CG board of directors;

ii. understands the leadership requirements of the CG board as well as the industry;

iii. understands the democratic process of identifying and electing leaders and be familiar with the policies and procedures of the certification program;

iv. understands the mission and purpose of the certification programs and the public served by the credentials;

v. possesses a broad understanding of the stakeholder groups represented by the credentials and seek representation from interested parties;

vi. be fair, unbiased, and free of influence at every stage of the nomination and election process;

vii. be judicious and prudent in the exercise of all decisions and in the conduct of the nominations process;

viii. follows the procedures for soliciting nominations and conducting an election.


Policy Convening Committees and Appointing Committee Members


The CG board has the authority to convene committees and appoint members.


Committee members must be certified persons in good standing.


The CG board ensures that all committees and their members adhere to the policies and procedures of the CG.


Committee members serve a term of three (3) years, which may be renewed for a second three (3)-year term.


Committee Members agrees to all conditions of service, including attending meetings and fulfilling all duties as assigned.


Some committees, such as Job Task Analysis committees may be disbanded when current tasks and responsibilities have been met/completed.


Committee members have been selected through an application process submitted by potential applicants who are members in good standing.


Committee members failing fulfill their duties and/or failing to attend four (4) or more meetings have been removed from the committee and replaced.


Policy on the CG Board Authority to Convene an Examination Committee


The CG board convenes an Examination Committee who holds responsibility for the examination content, development, maintenance and delivery, as well as oversight of all processes associated with these activities.


Qualifications of the Examination Committee members includes:

i. Be a certified person in good standing;

ii. collectively represents the stakeholders utilizing the credential, have a wide range of experiences in the industry/field, and be familiar with the requirements of the certification program;

iii. represents the demographics and experiences typical of the population of certified persons;

iv. understands content requirements of the examination and collectively represent the expertise of each content domain;

v. attends and completes all training programs as required to ensure the validity and reliability of the examination, including item writing and item editing workshops, analysis of item performance, and cut score studies;

vi. commits the time and resources required to perform the respective committee tasks and responsibilities.


Policy on the CG Board Authority to Convene an Appeals and Disciplinary Committee


The CG board has convene an Appeals and Discipline Committee who holds responsibility for hearing appeals in situation in which an adverse decision about an applicant, candidate or certified person has been recommended.


The Committee also holds responsibility for ensuring that allegations of practice incompetence or malfeasance and/or ethics violations by certified persons are fairly and reasonably investigated and determined against the Conflict of Interest Policy, the Policy of Non-Discrimination, the Non-disclosure Policy, the Privacy and Security Policy, the Code of Ethics and the Essential Attributes of Building Commissioning tenets, to which all certified persons have agreed to abide.


The Committee is responsible for ensuring the protection of the public against unprofessional and unethical conduct by certified persons.


The qualifications and areas of expertise required for service on the Appeals and Discipline Committee include the requirement that members:

i. Be a credential holder in good standing;

ii. represents the certified person demographics and experiences typical of the population of certified persons;

iii. have a full understanding of the certification programs and the application process.

iv. understands the Code of Ethics and its application;

v. attends and completes all training programs as required to participate on the committee;

vi. commits the time and resources required to perform the respective committee tasks and responsibilities;

vii. completes all duties as assigned.


Policy on CG Board Fiduciary Responsibility


Members of the CG board understand and accept their fiduciary responsibility to the certification holders and the stakeholders they serve, relating to the CG credentials.


In accepting their responsibility in governing a certification entity, CG board members protects the assets entrusted to them, and exercise due diligence upholding the integrity of the certification programs by performing their duties in a manner that is trustworthy, reflective of good stewardship, and respectful of the organization as it prosecutes its purposes.


It is the responsibility of the CG to ensure there are adequate resources to maintain the certification programs for future years.


In accordance with IRS rulings for nonprofit organizations, CG Board members shall not receive compensation for their work on behalf of the CG.


They shall be compensated for any direct expenses related to their service on the CG board, such as travel expenses.


Policy on CG Program Fees


The CG reserves the right to assess fees for all services, including application submissions, examinations, recertification, appeals, provision of duplicate certificates, and publications.


Fees also be charged for late applications, rescheduling an examination without a valid reason, extensions, late recertification applications, and other circumstances as deemed appropriate.


Fees may be changed and posted for all stakeholders.


Applicants, candidates and certified persons are responsible for submitting the current and correct fee for any aspect of the certification programs.


Policy on Application and Recertification Application Refunds


The CG has the authority to grant refunds of fees for specific extenuating circumstances such as emergency cancellations or withdrawals from the examination process.


Refunds are not granted to candidates who forfeit or fail the examination, or who are denied eligibility.


Certified persons failing to recertify will not be granted recertification application refunds.


Policy on CG Outsourced Services


The CG holds full responsibility for all outsourced services, which may include, but are not limited to psychometric research and development services, financial services, examination administration services and day-to-day management services.


All outsourced service providers have legally enforceable agreements covering the service provision arrangements.


Policy on CG Outsourced Services


The CG holds full responsibility for all outsourced services, which may include, but are not limited to psychometric research and development services, financial services, examination administration services and day-to-day management services.


All outsourced service providers have legally enforceable agreements covering the service provision arrangements.


CG policy of Examination Development, Maintenance and Administration Policy

Examination Development, Maintenance and Administration Policy


The CG board has the responsibility to ensure that all CG certification programs are built upon and will be maintained in compliance with the best practice as promulgated by international assessment/certification Standards.


The Board ensures compliance with these Standards and guidance documents, providing researched-based evidence that the CG certification programs are valid, reliable, job-related, fair and legally-defensible.


Policy on Candidate Eligibility


The CG board is responsible for establishing candidate eligibility.


It determines based upon recognized education, training and experience related to competent performance in the profession as delineated in the results of a Job Task Analysis (JTA) Study.


Policy on Applicant Agreements and Affirmations


The CG board is responsible for ensuring that certification applicants assert and agree to the CG policies and documents supporting impartiality, veracity of information, and agree to practice according to the Code of Ethics and the Essential Attributes of Building Commissioning best practice guidelines.


Policy on Special Testing Accommodations


The CG grants reasonable accommodations for applicants with documented disabilities in compliance with the Disabilities Act as it relates to assessments. The board establishes requirements relating to the request for accommodations, and provides accommodations at no cost to the candidate.


The CG consults with psychometric and legal experts to ensure that the accommodations provided do not compromise the security and/or validity of the examination.


Policy on Verification of Application Documentation


The CG board has the authority to verify all information included on certification applications.


This may be accomplished by a phone interview with employers and/or client references, or by requesting copies of training transcripts or certificates.


Additional documentation may be requested to support the application attestations.


Failure to produce supporting documentation when requested may result in a finding of ineligibility to become a candidate, or revocation of certification.


Ten (10) percent of all certification applications will be chosen at random for audit; applicants and certified persons given notice of the conduct of regular audits, and that while not all documentation need be submitted with an application, all must be available to support said applications, as required/requested by the CG to confirm applications.


Policy on Award of Certification


The CG board holds authority to grant certification to a candidate upon completion of all requirements for certification.




Policy for Examination Site and Date Selection and Retesting


The CG Board provides candidates with the opportunity to register to take the examination, and instructions on how to do so.


Examination Registration Policy


The CG provides a mechanism for candidates to register to take an examination at a location of their choosing at a time of their choosing.


Candidates must take an examination within six (6) months of application approval.




Policy on Retesting


The CG Board provides candidates the opportunity to retest. Retesting offered in accordance with current program policy, which developed by the Examination Committee and posted in the Candidate handbook.


Policy on Cheating


The CG Board ensures the security of its examinations during test administrations.


It is responsible for establishing administration policies and rules and posting a definition of behaviors that may be considered cheating.


It also makes these policies available to stakeholders in the Candidate Handbook.


Policy on Appeals, Complaints, Adverse Decisions and Ethics Violations


The CG Board is committed to providing a fair process for handling appeals, investigating allegations of wrongdoing and ethics violations, investigating complaints, and taking disciplinary action as required for any applicant, candidate or certified person.


The CG Board convenes an Appeals and Discipline Committee whose responsibilities includes consideration of all appeals and complaints and taking action according to the rules and regulations outlined in this policy.


All decisions of the Appeals and Discipline Committee are final.


Policy for Appeal of Application Denial


The CG Board provides applicants the right to appeal a decision to deny candidacy to an CG certification program.


An appeal submitted to the Committee within five (5) working days of receipt of notification of an application denial.


The appeal must be in writing and detail the nature of the appeal.


Appeals will be accepted via USPS or courier and sent to the CG Board at the posted address.


There is no fee associated with an application denial.


Policy for Appeal of Examination Results


The CG Board provides candidates the right to appeal examination results within the following specified criteria:

i. Examination results may be appealed in situations restricted to extraordinary examination administration circumstances that were properly reported to the Examination Administrator and the CG and

ii. Arise coincidentally with the examination administration;

iii. are outside the control of the applicant;

iv. made the applicant’s experience different from other candidates (related to the examination administration) and/or affected the applicant’s ability to receive credit for an examination item (related to the examination content);

v. were severe enough to account for examination failure.

vi. Unless all of the above circumstances are met, no circumstance will be considered grounds for appeal.

vii. Candidates failing to provide written documentation of the extraordinary circumstances within five (5) working days of a computer-administered examination forfeit the right to appeal.

viii. A passing score is required for award of CG credentials in all instances.

ix. Failure to pass an examination is not considered grounds for appeal.

x. The security requirements of the CG examinations do not afford candidates the right to review individual examination results.

xi. Candidate comments posted during examinations are reviewed periodically and during beta test periods.

xii. In the unlikely event that a comment indicates an item should not be scored, or was scored incorrectly, scores will be rerun and new results issued.

xiii. Candidates are not offered the opportunity to have their examinations rescored, as the examination is given in electronic form, so unlike paper/pencil examinations, there is no opportunity for individual candidate examination scoring errors.

xiv. Appeals submitted to the Committee within five (5) working days of a computer administered examination.

xv. The appeal must be in writing and detail the nature and events of the appeal.

xvi. Appeals must be sent via USPS or couriers to the posted address, and include a non-refundable fee.


Policy for Appealing Decisions on Special Accommodations


The CG Board affords applicants requesting special accommodations the right to appeal decisions concerning denial of special accommodations, or challenge the special accommodations offered.


If an applicant feel their request for accommodations was wrongly denied, or that the accommodations offered are inappropriate the Board tasks the Appeals and Discipline Committee with responsibility for considering appeals.


To appeal a decision on special accommodations, a candidate must submit a new Special Needs Accommodation Request Form.


The request must include documentation from a qualified health care professional who has diagnosed the disability.


The professional must provide detail as to why the denial for special accommodations or Board-proposed accommodations will have a negative impact on the candidate’s ability to perform successfully on the examination.


Policy for an Appeal of a Recertification Application Denial


The CG Board afford certified persons the right to appeal a decision to deny recertification.


Should a certified person feel their recertification application was wrongly denied, the Board tasks the Appeals and Discipline Committee with responsibility for considering an appeal.


An appeal submitted to the Committee within five (5) working days of receipt of notification of a recertification application denial.


The appeal must be in writing and detail the nature of the appeal.


Appeals will be accepted via USPS or courier and sent to the CG Board at the posted address.


There is no fee associated with a recertification application denial appeal.


Policy for Consideration and Processing of Complaints


The CG Board afforded applicants, candidates, certified persons and all other stakeholders the right to file formal complaints concerning the CG, its certification programs and its policies and procedures.


The CG Board tasks the Appeals and Discipline Committee with responsibility to consider complaints.


Complaints submitted to the Committee in writing using the complaint form available on the CG website.


Complaints must be as specific as possible, detailing the nature of the complaint.


A complaint against a certified person should be submitted to the Committee as soon as possible but no later than 30 days after the incident.


Complaints will be accepted via USPS or courier and should be sent to the CG Board at the posted address.


There is no fee associated with filing a complaint.


Policy on Certification Revocation/Suspension


The CG Board has the authority to suspend or revoke certification for cause.


General causes for suspension or revocation include, but are not limited to, fraud, deceit, malfeasance, failure to protect the public and/or failure to follow CG policies and procedures, including submission of inaccurate data to obtain and/or maintain certification.


The CG tasks the Appeals and Discipline Committee with responsibility for considering situations whereby suspension/revocation of an CG credential may be appropriate.


While the Committee will put forth best efforts to provide certified persons advance notice of intent to investigate cause for revocation/suspension, in cases where the health and safety of the stakeholders is in jeopardy the credential may be revoked/suspended without advance notice.


All due process are in place in either case.


Specific examples of infractions that are grounds for certification suspension/revocation include:

i. Falsifying information on an CG program application;

ii. misappropriating secure examination materials;

iii. providing fraudulent information during the certification examination administration process;

iv. assisting other applicants during examination administrations;

v. misusing or misrepresenting a CG credential, mark or logo;

vi. violating the Code of Ethics;

vii. failing to adhere to the Essential Attributes of Building Commissioning;

viii. failing to maintain competency (failing to recertify);

ix. violating any of the CG policies, procedures, standing rules or requirements;

x. having been found guilty of violating the law with respect to professional responsibilities by a court, licensing agency, or registration agency.


Policy on Continued Competence of the Certified Person (Recertification)


The CG Board tasked with ensuring that certified persons maintain professional competence beyond initial certification.


This accomplished by establishing a set of requirements that meets during a specified recertification period.


The length of this recertification period, and the requirements meets based on Job Task Analysis Study research, and vigilant monitoring of the requirements of the profession.


Recertification requirements updated as research dictates requirements are posted in the Candidate Handbook which is available on the CG website.


Policy on Recertification


Initial certification remains valid for a period of time established based on JTA research, certification expiration dates runs from the date of the award of the credential until the date of expiration which is printed on the credential certificate.


Certification renewal involves completing and submitting a recertification application during each recertification cycle and being approved for recertification by the CG Board.


To be recertified, certified persons must show evidence of continued competence, demonstrated by continued professional experience and other related professional development activities as promulgated by the certification program scheme.


Failure to recertify results in revocation of the credential.


Policy for Recertification Deficiencies


It is the responsibility of the CG Board to maintain communication with certified persons concerning the requirement to maintain competency through recertification.


Certified persons failing to recertify or submitting incomplete recertification applications receives a notice of deficiency, to include either corrective action required, or notice of suspension/revocation of the credential.


Current requirements for recertification application deficiencies are posted in the Candidate Handbook.


Policy for Denial of Recertification


The CG Board is responsible for reviewing and issuing recertification denials.


Policy on Advertising and the Use of Logos and Marks


The CG Board is responsible for establishing policy for advertising and the use of CG logos and marks and monitoring the use of logos and marks in advertising.


Policy on Advertising and the Use of Logos and Certification Marks


The CG Board establishes, review and maintained a policy concerning the use or reference to all CG logos and marks.


The Board holds responsibility for ensuring the proper use of said marks and logos, and takes corrective action should it become aware that marks or logos are being used outside of the requirements of this policy.


Policy on Security


The CG Board and its agents hold responsibility for maintaining physical security, and security of intellectual property as outlined in the following policies and procedures.


Policy on CG Site Access


The CG Board or its agents ensures the security of all protected areas of its premises, where materials such as applications, candidate files, databases, etc., are stored.


Access to these areas is limited to a “need to know” status of CG agents working under the policies and procedures of the CG, including the Privacy and Security Policy, and the Non-Disclosure Policy.


Policy on Examination Material Security, Including Examination Administrations


The CG Board or its agents (including certified persons serving on Examination Committees and outsource service providers) are responsible for maintaining the security of examination material at all times.


If the services relating to examination material outsourced, it is the Board’s responsibility to ensure that comprehensive security procedures are in place.


Policy on Signatures (Including Electronic)


The CG Board has the authority to require that applicants, candidates, certified persons and outsourced service providers to provide valid signatures.


These signatures may be written or electronic.


Acknowledgement of any kind, including checked boxes on a digital application is acceptable for use as a signature, as long as the signature is provided in accordance with international standards of security procedures for e-signatures/signatures, and for states/jurisdictions who have not enacted the Act, the statute of the individual state / jurisdiction will be enforced.


Individuals who falsify e-signatures/signatures may subject to disciplinary action, cancellation of certification, and legal actions.